Alexis Arguello Hotel
Alexis Arguello parade
Carmen Basilio
Carmen Basilio parade
Lamon Brewster museum grounds
Lamon Brewster hotel
Lamon Brewster signing
Ken Buchanan
Michael Carbajal hotel
Michael Carbajal parade
Michael Carbajal-Mickey Ward
Bobby Chacon parade
Bobby Chacon induction speech
George Chuvalo
2005 collectors show
Diego Corrales hotel
Diego Corrales museum grounds
Diego Corrales parade
Diego Corrales signing
Actor: Daniel Day-Lewis 1
Actor: Daniel Day-Lewis 2
Actor: Daniel Day-Lewis 3
Juan Diaz
Juan Diaz workout
Mickey Duff
Angelo Dundee
Lou Duva
Don Fraser induction
Emile Griffith
Marvin Hagler parade
Mustapha Hamsho fist casting
Mustapha Hamsho parade
HOF pavillion
2005 inductee rings
Reggie Johnson museum grounds
Reggie Johnson signing
Jake LaMotta museum grounds
Jake LaMotta hotel
Hedgemon Lewis hotel
Hedgemon Lewis parade
Danny "Little Red" Lopez
Christy Martin hotel
Christy Martin interview
Barry McGuigan hotel
Barry McGuigan parade
Arthur Mercante
Alan Minter fist casting
Tommy "The Duke" Morrison
Shane Mosley hotel
Shane Mosley signing
Terry Norris hotel
Terry Norris & family
Terry Norris induction
Ken Norton signing
Ken Norton parade
Actor: Ryan O'Neil hotel
Actor: Ryan O'Neil signing
Carlos Ortiz & wife
2005 Parade of Champions
J. Russell Peltz
Aaron "The Hawk" Pryor
our set-up at the show
"Bonecrusher" Smith signing
"Bonecrusher" Smith hotel
Leon Spinks
Marlon Starling hotel
Marlon Starling McDonald's
Bert Sugar parade
Bert Sugar HOF ring
Jose Torres
Mickey Ward parade